youtube friday

Youtube Friday Timesink – 2.25.11

Can I add BIRDEMIC: SHOCK AND TERROR (capitalization mine) to my list of movies that I force people to watch when they’re drunk or on drugs? Can it compete with The Room, Troll 2 or two seasons of Wonder Showzen? Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbet will answer that question this weekend when I watch the Rifftrax version of BIRDEMIC: SHOCK AND TERROR.

Dock Ellis and the LSD No-No. Dock Ellis pitched a no-hitter while tripping balls. I spent my little league career high on panic and Chocolate Cows from the concession stand. Pretty much the same experience.

100 Greatest Horror Movie Quotes of All Time. I’m the rubber puppet mouthpiece on the end of your phone now, Nancy.

Youtube Friday Timesink – 2.18.11

Heeeyyyy Tonnnyyy, haaaavvve sooooommme caaaaakkkke. Leeeeeeeeet’ssss beeeeeee frrrrriennnnnnddddsssss.

HOLY FUCK LATE EDITION ADDITION: Teach me how to Thommy, teach me teach me how to Thommy. (thank you Emily)

I want to be the Grindhouse trailer voice guy when I grow up.

My first exposure to Kids in the Hall, embedded in my brain forever.

album of the year? ummm never heard of them ever

Youtube Friday Timesink – 2.11.11

It’s Friday, you know you’re not doing anything at work, so watch some videos. Oh and if the giant banner on the side wasn’t enough, like this page on facebook oh god I have no friends.